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★Likes★ Blackberries, bathing, scented candles, metal/rock music, literature |
★Dislikes★ Too many to bother listing |
★Affliction(s)★ Albinism, anemia, disassociation |
★Orientation★ Demisexual Grayromantic |
★Profession(s)★ Priest, life coach, exterminator, owner of the non-profit chapel Chance |
★Personality★ Quiet, shrewd, aloof, acerbic |
★Trait(s)★ Composed, pensive, machiavellian, heartless |
★Pros★ Compassionate, genteel, trustworthy |
★Cons★ Manipulative, cold, wrathful |
★Affection Type(s)★ Eros | Philautia | Philia |
★Alignment★ Lawful Evil |